Why cloud computing is more fun with DevSecOps (Webinar | Online)

Just like the strategic decision to transfer your own software to the cloud, DevSecOps also starts in the head. The targeted promotion of a modern corporate and communication culture enables Weiterlesen …

Benefits configuring hosts with Puppet, Ansible or saltstack integrated in orcharhino (Webinar | Online)

Configuration management is used to have a central source of truth to configure hosts. It can be used to ensure that the configuration stays compliant or to rollout changes to Weiterlesen …

Open Source Automation Day (OSAD) Partner Networking Event (Networking | Würzburg)

Eine wachsende IT-Infrastruktur bringt oft neue Herausforderungen mit sich – ob bei der Überwachung, beim Subscription Management oder bei der Security- und Compliance-Strategie. Bei unserem kostenlosen Open Source Automation Day Weiterlesen …